A Dream. A Nightmare. A Mirage
There is a long way ahead of me
I am in the middle of a forest that has thick long trees
They are so giant that I cannot see the sky above
There is a faint light at a distance, I can see that it is not that far
So I walk towards it with the hope of reaching it soon
But the more I walk towards the light, the more it seems far
I am hearing all the wild animals
They are trying to scare me away
Dark beside me, asking me to stop and hug it tightly
I want to stop in my tracks and turn towards Dark
Dark has been the support I never thought it was capable of giving
But I know the moment I stop will be the last time I see the light
Dark is pleading, begging on its knees
I can see the tears from the corner of my eye
I hope it leaves me, but I know it has no place else to go
So I decide to carry Dark on my back
Dark hesitates at first but agrees when I promise to keep it FOREVER
Dark is afraid of the light. I am walking towards it
It knows that light won’t let him in
And I know that Dark can’t stay there
For that, Dark has been by my side for as long as I can remember
I see the light flickering outside a small hut
A wooden hut in the middle of the forest, just like I always admired
I can smell the wood burning inside, but the nice kind
I can see the distance is getting closer
I see you standing there with your open arms, a halo above you as you wait for me to embrace you.
Dark whispers in my ear. You won’t let us in
And I agree. You might see it as your enemy
It is a fair point because I have loved Dark all my life
And now maybe the two of you will try to win me over
This is what everyone wanted to do
To win me over like I am a trophy
Everyone always wanted me to get rid of Dark
How can they expect I will leave him just like that?
For it was Dark who had been with me in my sad and happy days
Dark had always been there in my happiness, hiding behind my favourite books, worried that coming closer might ruin the happiness, but watching me nonetheless
Dark didn’t leave me alone, ever, because it knew I needed someone around me
Dark was never like them who were there when I smiled but never when I cried
Half of them don’t know how hard it is for me to breathe because they never cared enough
Because they were afraid of the Dark, my Dark.
Dark knows them all, but they don’t know Dark
At last, I see myself on your doorstep
You can see Dark on my back very clearly
You don’t hesitate and pull me in a hug
The warmest hug I have ever received
But you also take Dark in your embrace
‘What’s yours is now mine to take care as well’ You say
Dark smiles, for this is the first time someone has hugged it
Someone other than myself has embraced Dark
They all always wanted me to leave it
They never accepted me with Dark on my back
But you, you seem like you care about Dark
I see a feeling settling in my heart
This is my destination, and I am sure as I cry
I can feel I am HOME at last