Celebrating PowerlessWomen !!
Let’s celebrate the women today. But with a different perspective. Let’s celebrate the women who are not in power. Yes, I know it takes a lot more than just courage and effort to be in power for a female in our society. I know that women in power are only slut-shamed, body-shamed or whatnot by the beasts around us.
But, today I want to dedicate my writings to those who couldn’t rise to power. They must be celebrated right? The women, who couldn’t pursue their dreams because their wings were cut long before they could grow. The women, who were silenced because their voices were high-pitched for those around them.
Today, I want to celebrate the woman who was subjected to domestic violence and died enduring it.
Today, I want to celebrate the woman, who had to give birth to many children despite her failing health because society needed “an heir” This woman’s day, let's take out a moment and look at the women who couldn’t do it.
The women, who could have been where we are today but somehow ended up dead or were silenced. And no I am not talking about the women who live in slums. I am talking about the examples you find in your household, or stories you heard around you. Take a look around and you will find examples.
How your grandmother or someone in the lineage kept her mouth shut tight when her in-laws treated her like a garbage.
The woman who had to bear her husband’s anger because “she is the one who needs to compromise”.
Today, I am celebrating the woman who had to live like a slave within her family.
I am celebrating the women who are the reason we are what we are today.
The women who made you capable enough to be strong. The women who made you believe in empowerment.
To the woman who sacrificed her happiness for the sake of her children.
To the woman who saw her man marrying someone else and was forced to stay silent, I am celebrating you.
The woman who tried their best to break the stereotypes but was brutally murdered by her family I am celebrating you.
To the woman whose husband is a drunken bastard and who has to clean other people’s houses to feed her children, I am with you.
To the woman who is grooming her sons to be gentle to other women despite being abused by her husband in the family, I am celebrating you.
To the woman whose nothing but a housecleaner for her family and thus still unmarried, I am celebrating you.
To the woman who is making her daughters independent and supporting them throughout their dreams, because she was never given the chance to shine, I am celebrating you.
To the woman who had to live with a very abusive family with a soul-shattering past yet she spreads smiles on everyone’s faces y burning her story deep in her heart, I am celebrating you.
To every woman, who couldn’t find happiness in her life, who was silenced, killed, abused repeatedly and shut down every time, today I am celebrating you.
Because it might surprise you how rebellious us women can be when we are triggered but it’s these silenced women you must always be afraid of. Because an injured lion may not have the strength to fight every jackal around, but that same lion has something the jackal doesn’t have; the ANGER. Let’s rise together and silence those who silenced our cries, but with an approach they can never have; success. Because there’s nothing a man with bruised ego hates more than a WOMAN’S SUCCESS!!!