What does it mean?
What does it mean to have a FRIEND?
let's have a look from my Point Of View :-
According to me,
Friendship means
° Sharing whatever you feel.
° Telling what is wrong and right about you.
°Supporting you in your bad times.
°Looking after you when you cannot do that.
Simply Friendhsip means not to judge the other person.
But, let me stop here for a while and say that people nowadays have no respect for this word. They just use it as some necessary ingredient for the social status and that’s it. Nothing more or less.
All the things that I mentioned above needs to be done from both sides. A friendship, according to me is a rope that needs to handled from both sides. As I have written about it in the past.
There’s no concept that only one should be there to save the friendship everytime. Friendship is not just about entertainment but on the other hand it also doesn’t mean to stress the other everytime you meet.
It is about Sharing things. It's about telling the other how you feel and what you are going through but, there is this word called Personal Space, I also believe in this word. If you don't want to share your problem with your friend then you should not. But, there is one thing, one tiny little thing that you need to do. Make sure you don't show your tantrums to them if you're not going to tell the reason.
This word holds all the emotions of the world. This relationship is so fragile yet the strongest. A friend is there for you in all the bad times of your life.
Writing long captions on social media or talking for hours and hours, everyday is not the proof of a healthy long lasting friendship. There are people who doesn't talk for days but still are the closest.
I have a list of friends who are really supportive. Friends, who are like a family. I cannot name each one of them but still, I want to mention my FREAKING PEOPLE( a silly name we gave to our friendship and we don't care if people call us childish.) To all my Academy friends, my college friends, my University friends and how can I forget about those who I spent my childhood with; my neighbours who I am no longer in contact with but still meet me as if I am the dearest to them.
I cannot Thank Allah enough for all these blessings in my life. ♡♡
Happy Friendship Day Folks ♡♡
FRIENDS are always Blessing.👭
•They will teach you various times how to laugh uncontrollably in the situations you even cannot breathe.❣
• They will show you the real happiness when the world is feeding Darkness to your soul.❣
•They will understand you when no one else does.❣
• They will always give you best advice, and will show you the wings you are not able to identify in YOURSELF❤❤