From One Kaafir To Another!
Before y’all come at me and say “It is forbidden to call a Muslim a kaafir, tell it to those who have been calling us one eversince we stepped out in the world”
Dear Kaafir,
Do you remember the times when your friends refused to sit with you because their mothers told them we are not Muslims?
Do you remember the time when they didn’t share their water with you because you will make it dirty?
Or the time when you were sitting alone in the classroom crying hysterically because they said You are cursed by bibi Zainab AS to mourn forever because you ki!!ed Imam Hussain AS?
Maybe you remember the time when you posted about your beliefs on your social media but some educated Islamic person corrected you because you are going to hell if you don’t come to the right path.
I bet you remember someone told you that the Qura’an had actually 40 paras and the 10 Paras that do not exist today are the ones that were revealed for Imam Ali AS and Hazrat Ayesha’s RA goat ate them!
How about the day when you got to know that everyone around you claims that Shaam e Ghareeban is a party-place for men and women (keeping it very sophisticated because of the audience here)
I hope you remember how a teacher clarified that it was indeed Shias who ki!!ed Imam Hussain AS and Yazeed was innocent?
How can you forget the time when you received death threats?
Or the time when people prayed for you to die because of your beliefs?
Or maybe the time when you sat in the middle of confins that had your family members inside?
I know it was because you were violent. Because ever since you were born you had a grenade fixed to your chest. That you roamed around with knives in your hands to ki!! people. Because what I don’t understand is why would Muslims call you a kafir without your fault? Yes, it must have been your fault. You must have triggered something.
Because Muslims love each other, they support one another and lift them up. Because we are one ummah remember?
I know it’s you who is on the wrong side, it’s us.
Your fellow Kafir!