Have you ever felt unsafe in your own home???
Muslims die all over the world and we start protesting that being Muslim is the only crime they die for.
We organize marches, post on facebook, Instagram, twitter and everywhere on social media.
We start mentioning every bloodshed of the Muslim race.
Whether it’s the massacre of Muslims in Burma
Whether it’s the bombing on them in Gaza,
Whether it’s the slaughtering of them in Kashmir,
Whether they are not given the right to protest,
Whether they are not given the right to profess
Whether they are not given the right to study.
Why don’t we see?
See that in this land
The land of JINNAH ( a muslim) who declared that " Pakistan is not just a piece of land, it’s a laboratory where we want to test on these Islamic Principles."
Now these Islamic Principles; whose principles were they? Did he mention that only some of the specific fiqh’s principles are to be tested in this laboratory? Did he say that out of these 73 fiqhs only one will get the chance to live and dominate?
These Bombings in Quetta are not just another blast. They say that we Ahle Tashi talk just about us, we specifically say that this blast was meant for us. YES IT WAS. YES IT IS. AND YES, IT WILL. The Hazaras are killed just because they are SHIA. The Hazaras are targeted on purpose. They are deprived of living because they are SHIA? Because they are slightly different from others? Because they are in minority?
Posting about The Muslims in Kashmir, Burma, Gaza etc is very easy. Why don’t we once stand for them? Why don’t we once see it as a problem of everyone? Why is not the government doing anything?
Living in a country which is not yours is difficult, okay people will hate you for being different and all that. But, for once feel the pain. Feel the pain These SHIA and many other minority groups of Islam, go through everyday of their life. Living in a country that literally means
"لا الہ الااللہ"
And not feeling safe is the fear you can’t feel. Have you ever felt unsafe in your own home? Have you ever felt scared of your own Family? If yes, then you can feel it....
اسلام بھی وہی ہے، خدا بھی ہمارا، محمد (ص) بھی ایک ہے، قرآن بھی ہمارا۔ فقط اک لفظ کی کی خاطر ہےآج کا مسلماں، انصار و مہاجر جیسے بھائی چارے سے جدا۔ (مریم)۔۔