I Am Satan
The flowers wilt in my hands as I watch you from afar. You are glowing like the incandescent bulb in the dark, like the fireflies at night. I look at my reflection in the water. It rained before I entered your surroundings. There was water on the ground and I could smell you the moment I stepped inside. My reflection is grotesque, it is the kind you see in horror movies. The kind that would make you afraid. I am dark, darker than you would expect me to be. I have cracks, at every corner of my face. On every crack is a deep red scar. I look ugly. I know I look horrible. But I thought embracing you would change that. I thought bringing flowers and running into your arms would help me gain your colours.
But now that I look at you. You feel like Eve in the garden of Heaven. You have this beautiful Jasmine tiara on your head. You always knew I loved jasmine. You have this long baby Pink dress on your body, that sways with the gentle wind. You know I have always loved baby Pink. The sky above you is the shade of Purple and Blue. You know I had a deep connection to Purple and Blue. Your bare feet touching the soft grass are a sight to behold. I stand there, watching you. I stand there looking at the way your curly black hair are kissing your face. Your cheeks are Pink, the most natural shade to exist. You are the happiest shade I have ever seen. And that is the reason I keep looking at the ground as my flowers wilt. How could I possibly come near you?
I even thought looking at you was a sin. It is, isn’t it? No, I am not debating here. That is my verdict. It is a sin to look at you when I am the darkest shade to ever exist and I should return back. Even though I should run to you, because you have healing powers, I cannot. What if your beauty fades the moment I touch you? Or even come in close proximity with you? What if this Heaven of your crumbles? Because I am to never enter Heaven. Remember, I am banished? Who banished me from heaven? I don’t remember, I was too young to know the difference between heaven and hell. But here I am, a Satan, and there you are being the absolute Angel. I see you searching for someone. You look around, running, with your hair swaying as they show in movies. You look like that sight to behold forever. For a moment I wish to just run and hug you until I feel I am alright. But I cannot. I know you are looking for me. That you are searching for me hoping I would come. But I cannot. I cannot let your beauty fade away.
I am selfish but not to the point where I will let you lose your identity. I am sorry. I love you. You know that I do. I know you love me too. And I know you can make me who I used to be, again, but this if doesn’t let me take another step towards you. This probability of ruining you is stronger than the love I have for you. Because I do love you to the point I cannot let you lose yourself. So I watch you search for me as the flowers wilt in my hand. I watch you silently sitting on the grass and touching the blades with your bare hands. I watch you shedding tears that turn into pearls the moment they hit the ground. But I cannot do anything for what if my dark will become yours as well? What to do then if I become the reason for your fall from Heaven?
I am the Satan you must know, no one is to come near me.
Satan and Eve can never become one you know!