Islamophobia and Pakistan!!
The word Islamophobia is smeared on the lips of the people of Pakistan these days. I want not to talk about the Muslim Ummah here but the Pakistanis only and only. First and foremost, the attitude of the president of Farnce should totally be condemned and I condemn it with my whole heart. Whatever they are doing there in France doesn't come under freedom of speech but hate speech which is a separate topic that needs a separate article.
The blasphemy conducted against the Holy Prophet ص is something that should wake the entire Muslim Ummah and boycott of the French products is according to me a good one step towards it. But, can we come to the other fact that lies under the shining light?
Talking about Pakistan and no other Muslim country, let's just start from the smallest possible unit.
The word phobia exists in our "Land of the pious people" but with different prefixes. For instance, Shiaphobia, Ahmediphobia, Hazarphobia, BalochiPhobia, ChristianPhobia. (I don't know if these words exist or not but let's just say they exist..) The phobias that exist in our religious sects is abnormally high. And sadly, all those people who are talking about Islamophobia in the West never talked about these phobias that exist in their damn country. (The country isn't damn, but the people here are.)
We love our Prophet ص? Surely we all do love him but did you ever think of looking at the phobias existing in our country ? Talking about Islamophobia worldwide and ignoring the Phobias existing inside this land is same as criticising your neighbourhood of filth when there are piles in your own home.
Let's talk about forced conversion shall we? Muslims are forcefully converted to other religions in India, China etc. How do we feel? Disgusting? Terrible? Angry? Yes we all do. Now, how do you see the conversions of little Christian and Hindu girls? Yes, in our own country. When on one side you condemn the conversions then why on the other side you are sitting too oblivious of your own damn house? And cut me some slack but please don't come and say 'oh I didn't know about it' because it's trash honestly. Is islam about forcefully converting others ? Did our Prophet ص taught us this lesson? No he didn't, No islam isn't about it.
Now, let's come to the other fact. Where were you all when the mob was out on the streets of Karachi chanting, 'Shia Kafir Shia Kafir?' Was their no single post on your newsfeed on facebook or on the homepage of Instagram worth sharing or posting on the story? Just because you are not Shia, does it mean you don't get to share what happened to that small group in Pakistan? Trust me when I say this I am damn sure of each word, 'I didn't see anyone else but Shias voicing about that incident. No muslim was out their writing posts about the Shiaphobia or the incident of Karachi at all. Only Shias.' But you all do come running blaming that same sect for disrespecting Sahabs when the reality is not even close to it. The love of Prophet Muhammad ص is the most sacred for each sect of Islam because everything starts with him and him only. Even in the fiqh of Shite. And I think I should say that again, "I condemn the actions of French Government and the growing Islamophobia in the West." But, at the same time, why are people hypocrite enough to voice their opinions about a bigger unit while constantly ignoring the smaller unit of the same thing.
The next in line is the Ahmediphobia. They aren't muslims, okay yes I know but does that mean they don't even have the right to stay alive? Did our Prophet ص ordered the sahabs to kill every person who is of any religion but Islam? No he didn't then why do the people of Pakistan are so eager to kill them? When they are wrong or when they are guilty of Blasphemy, bring them to justice and let the law handle it but taking the law in your own hands is not what our Prophetص taught us.
The hazaraphobia is very similar to everyone still no one talks about it. Why? Because they belong to the specific sect of Islam...
Now before you post another picture about the growing Islamophobia in the west and wonder why is it happening think of what you are doing in your own country because as Holy Prophet ص has said,
On the authority of Abu Sa`eed al-Khudree (May Allah be pleased with him) who said:
I heard the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say: Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.
[40 Hadith Nawawi, Hadith 34]
[Sahih Muslim, Al-Iman, Hadith 39]