My Fears…….
My fears lingers around like a smoked cigarette that is not yet ready to give up on its smell. They stick to me like a child who clings to the mother’s body after a terrible nightmare. They never let go of me like the lover who has just gotten to realize the love. My fears, they start bubbling around my self, they adhere to me like that dust on those books you stack but never read. My fears have made me dependent on them, like those drugs that sedate your mind. I am trapped inside them like that girl who is bound to stay in a failing marriage. I depend on them like people depend on the people they love. My fears have built a home inside of me, with bricks so strong that I think they can never be broken down. Or maybe they can, but no one ever tried coming through. Everyone just watches from outside, like those spectators watching the circus. They never try to break the corwd and come inside because they don’t consider me their damsel in distress. As much as I cry I am no one’s damsel, I feel my voice lying to my ownself as I search for someone in the crowd to see behind this fear. This fear of never being the one they need. The fear of never being enough. Enough to give love, enough to give happiness, enough to wipe your tears away. Guess this fear will always stick around like my favourite cologne that never really fades even after years of me emptying its bottle. Guess no one will ever come through these bricks of fear.