OPTIMISM, a word I was aware of but had no practical application in my life. This one word was something I just read in books and novels. A word which was far away from the world I live in.
One day, I was as usual sad about my life that, things never end in a positive way for me and all that ( what normally the teenagers of my age do.) I was 13 back then, in 8th Grade. My life was all good but still I always wanted the BEST from life.
There was a girl in my class ( who is now my best friend and who is probably one the reasons I am who I am today, “A Less Absurd Person”) She was very nice and sweet. We came closer because one of our mutual friend ( who is also, My best friend now)SO, this girl she helped me in my studies and all the stuff until one day I just normally started blaming things in my life ( as she was my friend so I decided to tell her how LIFE is very UNFAIR.)
I told her that my life is unfair and she just showed me something positive even in the “unfair” I saw. Gradually, she started telling me the little positive things in the miseries of life. There was one quotation that I always read at the back of my books it read something like
“ Always look on the brighter side of life.”
It was just some normal alphabets written on the book back then, but now, it makes complete sense to me. What does this word means and what impact it has in our lives.
This word OPTIMISM really helped me a lot. Whenever I felt like I am going to be a pessimist again, I just dialed her number and talked to her. The most beautiful thing about her is that she has many problems in her life but still she was so optimistic about life. There is just one small example from my life that one day I was talking to her because I was upset and I told her that why was I upset because not everybody read the story which I was writing ( You see I was a crazy person back then.) And what she said is still refresh in my mind and, it will always help me fighting the battles of my life. She simply said,
“Just because bunch of people are not reading it, you totally ignored the people who ARE. You are sad about those ignoring but, not happy about those acknowledging ”
It was the day I set off for optimism. And I can proudly say that it gets better and better day by day. Destroying your life for the things that were never meant to be yours or the people who were never yours, and ignoring those who make your life better, things that make you somewhat happy, is not a right choice to make. Yes you can be sad but, try not to become a pessimist. Because the road that eventually leads to pessimistic ideas is HELL. And it’s not the literal hell( or sometimes it is.) It is your life that becomes one. Blaming the consequences you face because of a decision rather than accepting what lies ahead is nothing but stupidity. We all are stupid, yes we are. Maybe we all need someone like her in our life, and maybe we already have. We just need to see them, identify them and help ourselves. Because in the end I always say that
“ If you don’t want to ,believe me no one in this world can help you.”
Yes, being an optimist not always help you stay happy and cheerful. But, it really helps you a lot psychologically. It helps you identifying what is important and what is not. It makes you more reasonable. I used to get angry when people( who are close to me.) talked rudely to me, before I knew what it actually means, but, now I just try to find why were they rude. What is wrong with them? Maybe they had some problem and I only added more. Maybe they wanted to tell me but they had no idea how, so they just talked rudely. Or maybe they just want to see what will I do, Will I ask them the reason or just simply disconnect the call. This is what Optimism brings in your life.
I just wrote it down because sometimes you need to appreciate the people in your life. I really wanted to Thank her for being such a positive person in my life. It is because of her that I see things in a positive way, She made me look at the positive side of life. And this positive side is more greener than I ever thought. I just want to sum all this (crap) up by adding the one line that I wrote for her which is:-
“She is the one who makes me see the light even when there’s no hope of it.”
Thank you so much, for being such an influential person in my life. My life is better because of this one word you introduced me to.
Your Best Friend.