Peace Is Not What I Crave Anymore!
The streets, this time, are all well lit
The laughter echoes all around
What once was dream has turned to be true;
Yet all it feels is cold and gore
The whispers in the ears are gone
All glittering showers are open show
The red was once a demon for soul
It now is part you cannot ignore
It used to sting, does not anymore
They were there once, always in sight
Now I don’t see them and its fine
A ball is curved and in the hand
Its touch leaves scars yet it has to stay
The writings on the wall are long gone
But its marks are there to stay for sure
While it is what I want all the time,
Peace is not what I crave for anymore!
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I think that while we look for peace and want it all the time, it is not what we crave for. I hate how our brain doesn’t let us rest. Because we have been exposed to messy situations and unrest heartbeat for such a long time that when there’s a moment of calm and silence around we don’t feel at home, at peace at all! Yet we wish for all that to end when we’re back to being exposed to that mess…….