Sinners judging Sinners, for Sinning Differently……..

Maryam Jaffar
4 min readSep 30, 2019


I took this phrase from one of the interviews that I was doing with a wattpad writer once.... And I thought about writing on this one particular and most popular issue of the society.

We, the sinners judge other sinners and pass our comments about how will they end up in hell and how are they such a bad example for this society. I just want to say that stop right there and look at yourself. What are you doing? Are you not a sinner? Are you all pious and saint? Have you never committed any sin at all?

If the answers of all the above questions are positive even then you are not allowed to judge the one who is not a saint and who commits sin and is struggling already with all these habits that he needs to quit.

Almighty Allah, the ONE who is away from all the sins and crimes and Who is the creator of this universe, even doesn't judge us for sinning at all. His gates of mercy are open until we take the last breathe on this Earth. Then what gives HIS mere creation this task of judging others and taging them under the lables of Hell and Heaven? What measuring instrument do they have? Just because they haven't committed that sin gives them the opportunity to tag that particular sin as the one that will definitely lead to Hell?

Judging them on the basis of their appearance just because you dress differently than them isn't sensible at all. It is pathetic and rubbish as hell. If (from this local lens) a person is wearing jeans and shirt on one hand and on the other you wear all pious shalwar kameez then it doesn't mean he or she will go to hell and you to heaven. I have seen people commenting on how one stranger girl (who they don't even know the name of) is wearing a short top with jeans and she has no shame at all for wearing some decent clothes at all and when I looked at them one of them was although in that all so pious, saint and decent shalwar kameez but that very decent shalwar or that person was as high as a capri, revealing almost three to four inches of the legs. And I was thinking that will Allah let that girl who was completely covered to Hell just because she was in jeans and the one who was revealing the legs even in shalwar will eventually make it to heaven?
And if you all think that wearing Shalwar Kameez will lead your way to Jannah then I can only give you some slow claps and nothing at all.
Appearance is nothing but a facade that we need to put on. And if you think that someone who wears jeans and doesn't bother wearing shalwar kameez is a sinner and he will never make it to heaven then there is nothing that can educate you. I AM SORRY.

I have seen people who all look very pious and saints (apparently) committing sins and those who are not so saint and pious never commit.

Talking bad about someone behind his back is the first sin that you commit and you don't even know.
Passing comments that are full of hatred is the second sin that you commit and you call it "observation."
Remember talking bad about people for hours and ending your conversation on these words " We are not judgemental or anything." Will never wash off your sins from your body.

One person is a sinner and you pass comments on how will he end up in Hell. Then that person, when tries to change you look at him as someone who is just showing off and is not really changing. You don't live in their heart
Listen to me. You don't know what their intentions are. How pure they are. How much are they struggling. It is very easy for you to pass judgements on others but you have no idea how much they are struggling.

If you have personal problems with someone keep it to yourself. What gives you the right to go and tell everyone that this person is pathetic and a sinner. You start back biting. It is written in the Qur'an that Back Biting is just like eating the flesh of your dead fellow. And we don't really want that. Do we??

What gives you the right to judge them? Who are you? And are you all so pure? Have you never struggled at all with sins? Are your sins will lead you to heaven?

I have struggled with this problem myself. People have called me a sinner and judged me on my sins. I have cried at nights and in front of Allah, I have asked HIM why do they all judge me? Why are they the Pharaohs of this age? When Allah never judges me who are they to do that? When HE accepts me with all my flaws why don't they? Why is it important for them to make me feel terrible about myself that I stop being myself. That I wear this other mask which I am not. Just because of them I make myself someone who I am not and I don't have any other option but to do this.

We judge those who don’t cover their heads. We judge those who cover their heads but at some occasions. We judge those who cover their heads properly but commit other sins. We judge those who are all perfect that they are showing off. In fact we judge ever other living being on this Planet……

Stop judging others and start looking at your sins. It's better that way because in the end it's you who is going to answer for what you did. It's them who are gking to answer for what they did. Stop judging start living....



Maryam Jaffar
Maryam Jaffar

Written by Maryam Jaffar

My unaltered, raw and genuine first thoughts.🦄

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