Your religion and depression are two separate things.
"Your religion and depression are two separate things." It is high time that we start taking this phrase as something serious and stop telling people "mayoosi kufar hai" everytime they say they are depressed. Because if anything happens to that person you are responsible for that too. Keep in mind.
We all are humans and at some point we feel this urge to die just because we are not being treated nicely or at least humanly by this so called society we live in. Relationships were made by the Almighty for a reason, that is why whenever you are depressed it is advised for you to talk to someone.
Why is that if your depression could have solved, as you all say by having Faith in the Almighty, it was advised to have someone human to talk to.
Yes, believing in Almighty helps. HE helps you when everyone else fails to do so.
But, negating the whole concept of depression just because we belong to a religion where we should be having a staunch belief in the higher power, is absurd and nothing else for me.
There are times in my life, when due to the actions of the human beings around me, I feel this sudden urge to cry my heart out, to shout for as long as possible.
Sometimes, this upsets my eating habits, my sleep cycle and I just simply want to stay away from the humanity, no matter how involed they are in my life.
You see, this is the real deal, now in those times I do pray to HIM, bow in front of HIM, still believe in HIM, then should I blame all this to HIM? That despite the belief in HIM I am having this sick anxiety and depression? What should I do at that time when I think that eternal peace will be given to me once I die?
It is very easy for us to say that, "She committed suicide, she is not going to step into Jannah." But did you really not care why was there this dire need to end her life? What caused her so much pain that she thought dying is way better than living? What happened to all those plans of hers that she has been making since she was a toddler? Do you really not care what were her last thoughts or did she need someone other than the Almighty to talk?
A human needs another human. They need someone to have this reassurance, they need someone to give them their shoulder, to embrace them into a hug, to wipe the tears from their eyes. Almighty made all the humans around to have empathy for those who are in desperate need of it. Talking to HIM can make your heart feel better, but what if your heart is better but your body is in constant pain? What if you are peaceful by heart but got beaten up every single day by the humans around? What if after holding onto your heart for so long all of a sudden you can't bear the pain anymore?
Almighty may not let the one who committed suicide enter the paradise but you sure that HE will let you enter when HE knew that there was someone around you in desperate need of help and you still ignored them? No, I don't think so that the Creator of this Universe is ruthless and human enough to be baised.
We start posting, "depression is real, hold onto the LORD, stop being rude," as soon as we hear the news of someone's demise due to suicide. But let me tell you that each one of us is the reason behind someone's depression.
1- You are giving depression and anxiety to someone who is according to you your friend, but just because you make fun of them, they start second guessing themselves. From being the cheap brand they wear to the nonsense they talk, you are the reason if all they think at night is about changing their brands or stop talking much.
2- you are giving depression and anxiety to someone if you never choose them in anything. If they make and effort to be in your good books, but all you give them is the pity look.
3- you are giving depression and anxiety to someone if you tell them that their opinions are just a waste of time. When you don't allow them to express themselves even when wrong.
4- you are giving depression and anxiety to someone if you tell them that taking interest in studies and asking questions from teacher, or that showing utmost interest in solving assignments is equals to being a showoff and jerk.
5- you are giving depression and anxiety to someone who just wants to live their life like they want but you syart throwing your opinions on them. By telling them that they aren't worthy enough.
6- you are giving depression and anxiety if you never take a stand for the one who is constantly being suppressed in your house and where your opinion can bring a big change.
7- you are giving depression and anxiety if just for the peace of the family you ask one of your child to never say anything to all the wrongdoings of the other child.
8- you are giving depression and anxiety if you favour people based on their looks and not on their talent.
9- you are giving depression and anxiety if you think that making fun of your friend's insecurities is something to be proud of, or if you think that making fun of your friend is your basic right. If you just point your fun at only one person in the group and if they resent you blame them for not being the true friend.
10- you are giving depression and anxiety if you never let someone speaks because you think that all they speak is just rubbish and nothing else. That you feel their words are too childish and thus shouldn't be allowed to speak in frront of a large crowd.
11- you are giving depression and anxiety if you make fun of someone who is not able to speak half as good English as yourself. If they forget to say one correct sentence they are obliged to be a meme material without saying a single word becauseif they do, they are branded with the title "too poor that person cannot understand humour" right on their chest.
These eleven points are just like the sand particles on a seashore.
There are still gazillion of reasons we give the depression and anxiety to someone and to the point that it feels easy to die rather to live.
And why do they want to live in the world that they are aware will shred them to pieces the moment it gets it's paws on their necks. We give depression to people till the point that all of their to do wishlist lies there on their bedroom floor while they hang themselves up and transcends to the place they are sure won't hurt them at all.
I was truly moved and shocked by the suicide of the Bollywood actor, Sushant Singh Rajput, he showed the world that lack of money is not always the reason behind depression. Damn this world for taking away the cutest smile filled with kindness and love.